Participating Sanghas

Volunteers from several Buddhist Sanghas in Utah participate in the Utah Buddhist Prison Project

The Three Treasures of our practice are The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. We provide Zen Buddhist teaching, practice, and study that appeals to a broad audience of people seeking to awaken and to manifest wisdom and compassion in their lives.

We have locations in both Salt Lake City and Torrey, UT and maintain two Sanghas: Dragon Heart Sangha with Musho Roshi, and Steelyard Sangha with Mugaku Roshi.

A mindfulness community practicing in the Plum Village Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Han in order to bring about and to maintain awareness.

We practice with sincerity and respect for the teachings and practice as they have been transmitted to us by our teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh and his students. We are also open to teachings of mindfulness wherever they may come from and welcome any practices or cultural traditions that are healthy and wholesome.

Located in the heart of Salt Lake City, we function under the spiritual guidance and blessing of Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche and practice under the Katog Choling lineage, in the Nyingma tradition.

It is our heart-felt intention to practice principles of loving-kindness, right speech, right action and compassion with each other and our community at large.We humbly aspire to support each other in recognizing our true nature.

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